
on 2013年1月24日 星期四
聖經閱讀:詩篇136:1-9 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝的慈愛  看完了孫子的棒球比賽,我和先生正要回家,天色有點晚了,夕陽正要西下,紅霞漫天,真是美極了!這時,我的內心感到十分平安。
 今天,無論在生活中發生了什麼事,你要想一想上帝的慈愛是永遠長存的。 —DJH*
「要感謝萬神之神;他的慈愛永遠長存。要感謝萬主之主;他的慈愛永遠長存。惟有他行大神蹟;他的慈愛永遠長存。」 詩篇136:2-4

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God’s Love
Bible Reading: Psalm 136:1-9
Thursday, January 24, 2013

God’s Love  My husband and I were coming home from our grandson’s baseball game. It was late and the sun was setting. The sky was a brilliant orange. It was beautiful! I felt at peace.
 Then some dark clouds covered the sunset. Its beauty was gone. It made me feel sad. Soon the clouds faded, and I felt at peace once again.
 Sometimes my life is like that. When things are going well, I feel at peace. Then some problem comes into my life and things change. My peace is gone, and I feel sad.
 But there is something in my life and your life that never changes. It’s God’s love! Our Bible Reading tells us in verse 1, “Praise the Lord because he is good. His faithful love will last forever.” When I am sad and facing problems, I need to focus on God’s love. Then I will feel peaceful again.
 Whatever happens in your life today, think about God’s love. It will last forever! —DJH*
“Praise the God of gods! His faithful love will last forever. Praise the Lord of lords! His faithful love will last forever. Praise Him who alone does wonderful miracles! His faithful love will last forever.”
Psalm 136:2-4

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