
on 2013年1月25日 星期五
聖經閱讀:詩篇84:1-8 現代中譯本|合和本

美麗的地方  我和女兒開了好幾個小時的車去拜訪一些朋友。那時,我們坐在朋友家游泳池旁的露天陽台上,游泳池附近種了許多美麗的花,因為我住在沙漠地區,所以很喜歡欣賞花和綠樹。我閉上眼睛,想著這真是個平靜安寧的畫面。
 上帝喜愛美麗的地方,而如果我要上帝住在我裡面,我也需要活出美麗的生命。只要我順服上帝並且讓祂使用我去幫助別人,我就可以有一個美麗的生命。 —CC
「他從不留下一樣美好的事物不賜給行為正直的人。上主─萬軍的統帥,信靠你的人多麼有福啊!」 詩篇84:11b-12

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Beautiful Places
Bible Reading: Psalm 84:1-8
Friday, January 25, 2013

Beautiful Places  My daughter and I drove several hours to visit some friends. We sat on their patio near the swimming pool. Beautiful flowers were planted near the pool. I live in the desert, so I enjoyed looking at the flowers and green trees. I closed my eyes and thought about how peaceful it was.
 Verse 1 of Psalm 84 says, “Lord All-Powerful, the place where you live is so beautiful!” The writer of this psalm was talking about the temple in Jerusalem. It was truly a beautiful building.
 Someday Jesus will return and take us to live forever with God. That will be a beautiful place, too. The book of Revelation tells us that heaven will be a glorious place filled with gold and jewels (Revelation 21:11-23).
 God loves beautiful places. And if I want Him to live within me, I need to make my life beautiful, too. I can do that by obeying God and letting Him use me to help other people. —CC
“The Lord freely gives every good thing to those who do what is right. Lord All-Powerful, great blessings belong to those who trust in you!” Psalm 84:11b-12
PRAYER: Father, help me to make my life beautiful for You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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