
on 2013年1月12日 星期六
聖經閱讀:詩篇76:1-12 現代中譯本|合和本

敵人  在詩篇第76篇中,作者告訴我們上帝打敗了以色列的敵人。第3節說:「在那裏,他折斷仇敵的弓箭,毀壞他們的盾牌、刀劍、各種武器。」然後,作者為上帝所做的事讚美祂。
 上帝知道什麼是對你最好的,今天,你要倚靠祂來幫助你更加堅強。 —SH*
「上主的規範純真,永遠留存;上主的判斷準確,始終公道。」 詩篇19:9

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Bible Reading: Psalm 76:1-12
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Enemies  In Psalm 76, the writer tells us that God defeated Israel’s enemies. Verse 3 says, “He shattered the arrows, shields, swords, and other weapons of war.” Then the writer praises God for what He has done.
 Why did God overcome Israel’s enemies? Because God promised to judge and destroy the enemies of Israel. But first, Israel had to remain faithful to God and His commands.
 Maybe you think you don’t have any enemies, but if you are a Christian, the devil is your enemy. 1 Peter 5:8b tells us that the “devil is your enemy, and he goes around like a roaring lion looking for someone to attack and eat.” God promised to help the Israelites with their enemies. In the same way, He will help us resist the devil and his temptations.
 God knows what is best for you. Depend on Him today to help and strengthen you. —SH*
“Learning respect for the Lord is good. It will last forever. The Lord’s judgments are right. They are completely fair.” Psalm 19:9
PRAYER: Lord, I praise You for Your wisdom and power. Thank You for helping me resist the devil. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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