
on 2013年1月20日 星期日
聖經閱讀:路加福音2:25-35 現代中譯本|合和本

西面的信心  上帝曾應許以色列人說祂會差派一位拯救者給他們,因此,多年來他們不斷地等待再等待那位拯救者的來臨。
「看哪,他駕著雲來了!每一個人都要看見他,連槍刺他的那些人也要看見他。他來的時候,地上萬民要為他悲傷痛哭。這事必然發生!阿們。」 啟示錄1:7

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Simeon’s Faith
Bible Reading: Luke 2:25-35
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Simeon’s Faith  God promised the Israelites that He would send them a Savior. They waited and waited many years for the Savior to come.
 A man named Simeon was waiting for God to send the Savior. Simeon lived in Jerusalem. He was very old. The one thing that Simeon wanted most of all was to see God’s Savior. The Holy Spirit told Simeon that he would not die before he saw the Savior.
 One day the Holy Spirit led Simeon to the temple. While he was there, Mary and Joseph brought baby Jesus to dedicate Him to God. The Spirit told Simeon that Jesus was the promised Savior. “Simeon took the baby in his arms and thanked God: ‘Now, Lord, you can let me, your servant, die in peace as you said’” (verses 28-29a).
 The Bible tells us that we, too, will see Jesus someday. While we are waiting to see Jesus, we need to obey and follow God and tell people about Jesus. —DJH*
“Look, Jesus is coming with the clouds! Everyone will see him, even those who pierced him. All peoples of the earth will cry loudly because of him. Yes, this will happen! Amen.” Revelation 1:7
PRAYER: Father, we look forward to when we live with You forever in heaven. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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