
on 2016年9月24日 星期六
聖經閱讀:耶利米書29:11-14 現代中譯本|合和本

我現在年紀大了,可以回顧上帝如何在我的生命中作工,祂帶領我走過困境,總是對我施展祂的愛。上帝對你的生命也有一個計劃,就求問上帝向你顯明祂的計劃。 —NM

「我們知道,上帝使萬事互相效力,叫愛上帝的人─就是他按照自己的旨意呼召的人都得益處。」 羅馬書8:28

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God's Plan
Bible Reading: Jeremiah 29:11-14
Saturday, September 24, 2016

A road that I often travel was under construction for a long time. While they were working on the road, I would watch their progress. Sometimes I thought that the road builder must be very confused!
Finally the construction was completed. Then I could see that the builder had a good plan. The way he had built the road made traveling much easier than before.
Sometimes I look at things happening in my life, and they seem to be a total mess — just like the road. I know that God has a plan for my life, but I do not understand how He will work everything out. Our Bible verses today remind us that God’s plan is to give us “hope and a good future” (verse 11b).
Now that I am older, I can look back and see how God has worked in my life. He has led me through some tough times and always shown me His love. God has a plan for your life, too. Ask God to show you His plan. —NM

“We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him. These are the people God chose, because that was his plan.” Romans 8:28
PRAYER: Father, show me Your plan for my life. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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