
on 2016年9月20日 星期二
聖經閱讀:馬可福音7:24-30 現代中譯本|合和本

今天就跟上帝說話,跟祂分享你的迫切需要,以及日常生活所需,祂會垂聽並回應! —SH*

「上帝啊,我渴慕你,像鹿渴慕清涼的溪水。」 詩篇42:1

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Urgent Prayers
Bible Reading: Mark 7:24-30
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

In our Bible verses today, we read about a woman whose daughter had an evil spirit. The mother was desperate to have her daughter healed. So she went to Jesus and begged Him to heal her daughter. The mother was persistent, and Jesus healed the girl.
When Elijah faced the prophets of Baal, he needed God to answer his prayer and send fire to burn up the sacrifice (1 Kings 18). When Jesus prayed to God in the Garden of Gethsemane, He needed God to comfort and encourage Him to go to the cross (Luke 22:39-46).
Maybe there will be times in your life when you desperately need God's help. Don't be afraid to pray and ask God to help you. Remember that Jesus will help you when you speak to God. Hebrews 7:25b tells us, “Christ can do this forever, because he always lives and is ready to help people when they come before God.”
Talk to God today. Share with Him your urgent needs and your everyday needs. He will listen and answer! —SH*

“Like a deer drinking from a stream, I reach out to you, my God.” Psalm 42:1
PRAYER: Father, please show me Your mercy and pay attention to my prayers. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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