信仰之旅 (1)

on 2016年9月7日 星期三
信仰之旅 (1)
聖經閱讀:詩篇91:1-9 現代中譯本|合和本

我很喜歡看這張耶穌的畫像,這也是我的信仰之旅的起步。我的祖母教導我認識耶穌,之後我父母帶我到主日學校上課,在那裡我學到更多。 今天閱讀的經文教導我們上帝是我們的避難所,我們可以信靠祂來保護自己。今天就信靠上帝,讓祂來照顧你、安慰你。 —DF

「我向上主說:你是我的避難所,是我的堡壘。你是我的上帝,我信靠你。」 詩篇91:2

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Faith Journey (1)
Bible Reading: Psalm 91:1-9
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

 Today and for the next few days I will share with you how I learned about Jesus and how my faith has grown through the years. I call this my “Faith Journey.
When I was little, I had terrible nightmares. My grandparents came to visit us in California. We went to San Juan Capistrano to watch the swallows that came there every year. My grandma took me to the chapel there and bought me a picture of Jesus. In the daytime, the picture looked normal. But at night, the picture glowed in the dark. This picture gave me comfort and peace at night.
I loved looking at that picture of Jesus, and that was the beginning of my faith journey. My grandma taught me about Jesus, and later my parents took me to Sunday School where I learned more.
Our Bible verses today teach us that God is our place of safety and that we can trust Him to protect us. Trust God today to take care of you and comfort you. —DF

“I say to the Lord, ‘You are my place of safety, my fortress. My God, I trust in you.’” Psalm 91:2
PRAYER: Dear God, You have always been with me, and I know that You will be with me today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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