
on 2015年9月28日 星期一
聖經閱讀:創世記6:9-7:7 現代中譯本|合和本

挪亞有信心  在挪亞的年代,世人變得很邪惡,上帝很遺憾造了這些人,所以決定用一場洪水來消滅這些邪惡的人。
 我希望你相信上帝,也希望你天天跟從祂、順服祂。 —DJH*
「上帝也沒有寬容遠古的世代,卻用洪水淹沒那些心目中沒有上帝的人,只拯救了傳揚正義的挪亞和其他七個人。」 彼得後書2:5

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Noah Had Faith
Bible Reading: Genesis 6:9-7:7
Monday, September 28, 2015

Noah Had Faith  At the time Noah lived, people had become very bad. God was sorry that He had made these people. So God decided to destroy these wicked people with a flood.
 But our Bible Reading tells us that Noah “was a good man all his life, and he always followed God” (verse 9). Because Noah was good, God said He would save Noah and his family. God told Noah to build a boat to save him and his family from the flood.
 Noah had faith in God. He did what God told him to do. Noah built the boat exactly as God had told him to do. The boat saved Noah, his family and many animals from the flood. We need to have faith in God, too. If we do, we will accept God’s gift of salvation through Jesus. God sent Jesus to die and accept the punishment for our sins.
 I hope you have faith in God and that you are following and obeying Him every day. —DJH*
“And God punished the evil people who lived long ago. He brought a flood to the world that was full of people who were against God. But he saved Noah and seven other people with him.” 2 Peter 2:5a
PRAYER: Dear Father, thank You that Jesus died for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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