on 2015年9月27日 星期日

聖經閱讀:羅馬書6:15-23 現代中譯本|合和本

罪  「罪」是什麼呢?罪就是做錯事、違背了上帝。現今有很多人不在乎上帝和祂的話語,這些人說世上沒有罪惡。
 罪會讓我們跟上帝永遠隔絶,遵從上帝會讓我們跟祂永遠同住。我希望你選擇遵從並跟隨上帝。 —PN*
「現在,你們已經從罪中被釋放出來,作上帝的奴僕;你們把生命完全奉獻給他,所收穫的就是永恆的生命。」 羅馬書6:22

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Bible Reading: Romans 6:15-23
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Sin  What is sin? Sin is doing wrong things and disobeying God. Many people today don't care about God and His Word. These people say that there is no sin.
 The book of Romans talks a lot about sin. Romans 3:23 says, “All have sinned and are not good enough to share God's divine greatness.” This means that all people have disobeyed God. And when we disobey God, we are separated from Him. Verse 16b of our Bible Reading tells us, “Following sin brings spiritual death, but obeying God makes you right with him.”
 If you do not know about sin, I encourage you to read the Bible and learn what God wants you to do. If you are already a Christian, I encourage you to continue reading and studying the Bible. That will help you resist the devil and grow in Jesus.
 Sin brings eternal separation from God. Obeying God brings eternal life with Him. I hope you choose to obey and follow God. —PN*
“But now you are free from sin. You have become slaves of God, and the result is that you live only for God. This will bring you eternal life.” Romans 6:22
PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for forgiving my sins. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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