
on 2015年9月1日 星期二
聖經閱讀:以賽亞書40:11 現代中譯本|合和本

小貓  我們養了三隻小貓,牠們在去年夏天出生、一直住在戶外。其中一隻小貓已經相當聽話,另一隻慢慢學習信任我們,但每次我們靠近第三隻時,牠仍然會跑開。
 今天閱讀的經文告訴我們,人帝就像是一個「牧養羊群」的牧羊人。請信靠上帝來保護你並供應你的需要,這樣你就會過得更加喜樂、更加平安。 —MB
「上主至善。他保護在患難中的子民;他照顧投靠他的人。」 那鴻書1:7

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Bible Reading: Isaiah 40:11
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Kittens  We have three kittens who were born last summer and have been living outdoors. One kitten has become quite tame, and another kitten is slowly learning to trust us. But one kitten still runs away every time we get near him.
 When the weather became cold, we knew we had to move the kittens into our heated garage. We couldn’t leave the one kitten outside to freeze to death. Finally we were able to catch all three kittens and move them into the garage.
 The wild kitten was not willing to trust us to take care of him. So he kept running away and hiding. Many times, people act like that kitten. They don’t trust God to know what is best for them. When they refuse to trust God, they usually get into trouble.
 Our Bible verse today tells us that God is like a shepherd who “takes care of his people.” Trust God to protect and provide for you. Then you will be much happier and safer. —MB
“The Lord is good. He is a safe place to go to in times of trouble. He takes care of those who trust him.” Nahum 1:7
PRAYER: Dear Lord, thank You for loving us enough to take care of us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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