上行之詩 (10)

on 2015年9月19日 星期六
上行之詩 (10)
聖經閱讀:詩篇132:1-134:3 現代中譯本|合和本

上行之詩 (10)  當朝聖者到達耶路撒冷時,他們唱這最後三首關於聖殿和耶路撒冷的詩歌。
 你要找機會跟其他基督徒一起參加──查經、敬拜服事、禱告會和愛宴,你生命中的每一處都要敬拜讚美上帝! —BH
「上主的僕人們哪,要頌讚上主;所有夜間在聖殿事奉的人都要頌讚他。你們要在他的聖所中舉手禱告;你們要讚美上主。願創造天地的上主從錫安賜福給你們!」 詩篇134:1-3

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Pilgrim Psalms (10)
Bible Reading: Psalm 132:1-134:3
Saturday, September 19, 2015

Pilgrim Psalms (10)  As the pilgrims arrived at Jerusalem, they sang these last three psalms about the temple and Jerusalem.
 In Psalm 132, the pilgrims sang about the temple. “Now, let's go to the Lord's house. Let's worship at his throne” (verse 7). Psalm 133 talks about how good it was for God's people to come together to worship. Verse 1 says, “Oh, how wonderful, how pleasing it is when God's people all come together as one!” And Psalm 134 is an encouragement to praise God.
 I love to get together with other Christians and worship God. We sing together, pray together and work together — just like the Jewish pilgrims did on their journey.
 Look for ways to be with other Christians — Bible studies, worship services, prayer meetings and fellowship dinners. Worship and praise God in every part of your life! —BH
“Praise the Lord, all his servants who serve in the Temple at night. Lift your hands toward the Temple, and praise the Lord. May the Lord, who made heaven and earth, bless you from Zion.” Psalm 134:1-3
PRAYER: Lord, we praise You and thank You for all that You do for us. You are the one we should worship every day. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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