上行之詩 (1)

on 2015年9月10日 星期四
上行之詩 (1)
聖經閱讀:詩篇120:1-7; 129:1-8 現代中譯本|合和本

上行之詩 (1)  今天我們會開始一系列的靈修文章來談詩篇第120到134篇,這些詩篇常常被稱為「上行之詩」。
 我們必須學像這些朝聖者,知道上帝會與我們同在,即便我們遭遇患難,上帝會幫助我們做正確的事。 -BH
「我在患難中求告上主,他就答應我。」 詩篇120:1

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Pilgrim Psalms (1)
Bible Reading: Psalm 120:1-7;129:1-8
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Pilgrim Psalms (1)  Today we will begin a series of devotions that will look at Psalms 120 through 134. These Psalms are often called “pilgrim psalms.”
 These chapters are called “pilgrim psalms” because they were sung by pilgrims — people who traveled to a special religious place. These pilgrims went to Jerusalem to celebrate Jewish feasts. As these people started their journey, they would sing Psalm 120. Then they would sing the next Psalm and continue until they sang Psalm 134 as they arrived in Jerusalem.
 In Psalm 120, the pilgrims sang about being among people who did not follow God. “I have lived too long with those who hate peace. I ask for peace, but they want war” (verses 6-7). Then again in Psalm 129 they sang about facing troubles, but “the Lord does what is right” (verse 4a).
 We need to be like these pilgrims and realize that God will be with us. Even though we face troubles, God will help us and do what is right. —BH
“I was in trouble. I called to the Lord for help, and he answered me!” Psalm 120:1
PRAYER: God, I praise You that You are with me — even when I face times of trouble. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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