上行之詩 (4)

on 2015年9月13日 星期日
上行之詩 (4)
經文閱讀:詩篇123:1-4 現代中譯本|合和本

上行之詩 (4)  詩篇第123篇是另一首猶太朝聖者前往耶路撒冷途中所唱的讚美詩,這是一首很短的詩歌,它教導我們兩件很重要、關於禱告的事。
 上帝認識你,祂完全知道你需要什麼東西。今天就跟上帝說話,然後信靠祂為你的生命帶來祝福。 —BH
「貧賤人不過像一口氣息;富貴的人也都是虛幻。把他們放在天平上毫無重量,比一口氣息還要輕。」 詩篇62:9

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Pilgrim Psalms (4)
Bible Reading: Psalm 123:1-4
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Pilgrim Psalms (4)  Psalm 123 was another psalm that the Jewish pilgrims sang on their way to Jerusalem. It is a very short psalm, but it teaches us two very important things about prayer.
 Verse 1 says, “Lord, I look up and pray to you. You sit as King in heaven.” This verse reminds us that when we pray, we are talking to God. We should focus on Him and not allow other distractions to keep us from thinking about God.
 Verse 2b of our Bible Reading shows us why we pray to God. “So we depend on the Lord our God, waiting for him to have mercy on us.” We pray to God because we depend on Him. There is no one else who can help us, protect us, save us and take care of us. Only God can do those things for us.
 God knows you, and He knows exactly what you need. Talk with God today. Then depend on Him to bring about good things in your life. —BH
“People cannot really help. You cannot depend on them. Compared to God, they are nothing — no more than a gentle puff of air!” Psalm 62:9
PRAYER: Lord, I know that You are the only one I can depend on. Please take care of me today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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