
on 2016年12月16日 星期五
聖經閱讀:馬可福音7:14-23 現代中譯本|合和本

今天你要小心審視自己的心思意念,就像注意自己的體重一樣。你要遵從上帝,去做蒙祂喜悅的事來尊榮祂的名。 —SH*

「耶穌對他們說:『你們也跟他們一樣不明白嗎?你們不曉得嗎?那從外面進到人裡面去的不會使他不潔淨』」 馬可福音7:18

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Living for God
Bible Reading: Mark 7:14-23
Friday, December 16, 2016

 Many people in the world are on special diets. Maybe they want to lose weight, or maybe they want to have healthier bodies. A magazine recently reported that Americans spend more than $60 billion every year on diets. Wow! I wish that all people were as concerned about living for God as they are about what they eat. That's what Jesus talks about in our Bible verses for today. In verse 15 Jesus says, “There is nothing people can put in their mouth that will make them wrong. People are made wrong by what comes from inside them.”“These evil things come from inside a person. And these are the things that make people unacceptable to God.”
Be careful today to watch your heart and your mind as much as you watch your weight. Obey God and do things that please Him and bring honor to His name. —SH*

“He said, ‘Do you still have trouble understanding? Surely you know that nothing that enters the mouth from the outside can make people unacceptable to God.’” Mark 7:18
PRAYER: Father, help me today to serve and please You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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