聖誕的犧牲 (4)

on 2016年12月22日 星期四
聖誕的犧牲 (4)
聖經閱讀:路加福音2:8-16 現代中譯本|合和本

牧羊人迫不及待要見到那位作為他們的救主、彌賽亞和生命之主的嬰孩(第11節)。我希望你也願意犧牲自己,好讓自己可以天天跟隨並服事耶穌! —GT

「牧羊人回去,為他們所聽見所看到的事讚美歌頌上帝。」 路加福音2:20a

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Christmas Sacrifices (4)
Bible Reading: Luke 2:8-16
Thursday, December 22, 2016

 Today we will talk about the sacrifices made by the shepherds. Luke 2:8 says that the night Jesus was born “some shepherds were out in the fields near Bethlehem watching their sheep.”
These shepherds had responsibilities. They had flocks of sheep to take care of and protect. But after the angel appeared to them and told them about Jesus' birth, they did not hesitate to go to Bethlehem. They “went running and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby, lying in the feeding box” (verse 16).
The Bible does not tell us if these shepherds left someone in charge of the sheep. But we do know that they chose to go right away and see the new baby. The shepherds sacrificed their time (and probably a night's sleep!) to go to Bethlehem.
The shepherds were anxious to see the baby who was their Savior, Messiah and Lord (verse 11). I hope you are willing to make sacrifices so you can follow and serve Jesus every day! —GT

“The shepherds went back to their sheep, praising God and thanking him for everything they had seen and heard.”
Luke 2:20a
PRAYER: Dear Lord, I am willing to give up all I have so I can serve You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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