詩篇119 (18)

on 2016年12月5日 星期一
詩篇119 (18)
聖經閱讀:詩篇119:137-144 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝的話語帶給我們安慰、平安和指導,如果我們讀經並將經文放在心裡面,我們就會有大喜樂! —BH

「我以遵行你的命令為樂,因為我喜愛它。我尊重並喜愛你的誡命;我要思想你的教誨。」 詩篇119:47-48

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Psalm 119 (18)
Bible Reading: Psalm 119:137-144
Monday, December 5, 2016

 Recently I shared with you about my husband's death as a firefighter. My birthday was six weeks after he died. What I did not know was that my son had told many people about my birthday. He asked these people to send me birthday cards.
Every day for about two weeks, I received birthday cards in the mail. When my son came home each evening, he asked me how many cards I had received that day. When I told him how many, he smiled. It was such a joy to see my son smiling again! That was the best birthday present I could ever have received.
The joy that I felt is the same kind of joy that God wants us to feel when we read His Word. Verse 143 of our Bible Reading says, “Even though I have troubles and hard times, your commands give me joy.” God's Word gives us comfort, peace and guidance. If we study the Bible and keep it in our hearts and minds, we will have great joy! —BH

“What joy your commands give me! How I love them! Not only do I love your commands, but I also honor them. I will study your laws.” Psalm 119:47-48
PRAYER: God, when I am facing hard times, I know I can read Your Word and find joy. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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