聖誕的犧牲 (2)

on 2016年12月20日 星期二
聖誕的犧牲 (2)
聖經閱讀:路加福音1:26-38 現代中譯本|合和本

 今天我們要來談馬利亞所作的犧牲。今天的經文閱讀告訴我們,上帝差派一個天使來找馬利亞,但馬利亞「十分驚惶不安」(第29節)。 天使告訴馬利亞,聖靈的能力使她懷了身孕,天使還跟馬利亞說,她的孩子是上帝的兒子。馬利亞知道,如果她順服上帝的計劃就會犧牲自己的名聲,人們會注意她、會說她的壞話。
因為馬利亞願意犧牲,耶穌才能誕生,祂長大成人並死在十架上,然後從死裡復活。透過耶穌的死和復活,你和我才能擁有與上帝共享永生的應許! —GT

「馬利亞說:『我是主的婢女;願你的話成就在我身上。』」 路加福音1:38a

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Christmas Sacrifices (2)
Bible Reading: Luke 1:26-38
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

 Today we will talk about the sacrifices that Mary made. Our Bible verses tell us that God sent an angel to Mary. But Mary was “very confused” (verse 29).
The angel told Mary that the power of the Holy Spirit would cause her to be pregnant. The angel also told her that her baby would be the Son of God. Mary knew that if she obeyed God's plan, she would have to sacrifice her reputation. People might stare at her and call her names.
Mary also had to sacrifice her body as a place where baby Jesus could grow. And like Joseph, Mary had to sacrifice her time and energy to raise Jesus and teach Him to love and serve God. But Mary was willing to make these sacrifices.
Because Mary was willing to make those sacrifices, Jesus was born. He grew up and died on the cross. Then He rose from death. Through Jesus' death and resurrection, you and I can have the promise of eternal life with God! —GT

“Mary said, ‘I am the servant of the Lord God. Let this thing you have said happen to me!’” Luke 1:38a
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You for eternal life through Jesus. In His name. Amen.

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