使徒行傳中的城市 (5)

on 2014年5月31日 星期六
使徒行傳中的城市 (5)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳17:10-13 現代中譯本|合和本

使徒行傳中的城市 (5)  今天的經文再一次跟我們談到保羅和西拉,這一次他們旅行到庇哩亞。庇哩亞也是位於馬其頓地區。
「我以遵行你的命令為樂,因為我喜愛它。我尊重並喜愛你的誡命;我要思想你的教誨。」 詩篇119:47-48

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Cities in Acts (5)
Bible Reading: Acts 17:10-13
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Cities in Acts (5)  Today our Bible Reading tells us about Paul and Silas again. This time they traveled to the city of Berea. Berea was also in the area of Macedonia.
 Verse 11 tells us three things about the people in Berea. They were “open-minded” and “glad to hear the message Paul told them.” They also “studied the Scriptures every day to make sure that what they heard was really true.” What was the result? “...many of them believed, including many important Greek women and men” (verse 12).
 These people in Berea are a good example for us. We should always be open-minded and happy to study the Bible. And whenever someone teaches us, we should make sure that what they are teaching really agrees with the Bible.
 I hope you will be like the Bereans today. Study God’s Word and obey it! —JK
“What joy your commands give me! How I love them! Not only do I love your commands, but I also honor them. I will study your laws.” Psalm 119:47-48
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word, the Bible. Help me to learn from it and then share Your message with others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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