使徒行傳中的城市 (1)

on 2014年5月27日 星期二
使徒行傳中的城市 (1)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳 2:36-47 現代中譯本|合和本

使徒行傳中的城市 (1)  使徒行傳告訴我們,彼得、保羅和其他基督徒到過很多的城市去傳講耶穌。今天,我們有行動電話、有電腦網路和電視幫助我們傳播重要的信息。但是在教會剛開始的時候,傳揚耶穌福音的唯一方法就只有藉著一個人去告訴另外一個人。
 接下來的幾天,我們要來看一些耶穌的門徒到過的城市,我們也將知道上帝的教會是如何成長並遍及世界。 —JK
「頌讚上帝,跟人人保持和睦的關係。主天天把得救的人數加給他們。」 使徒行傳2:47

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Cities in Acts (1)
Bible Reading: Acts 2:36-47
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Cities in Acts (1)  The book of Acts tells us that Peter, Paul and other Christians traveled to many cities to tell about Jesus. Today we have cell phones, the Internet and television to help us spread the news about something important. But when the church first began, the only way to spread news about Jesus was by one person telling another person.
 If someone wanted a person in another city to know about Jesus, that person had to travel to the city. That is exactly how the message about Jesus spread from Jerusalem into many areas of the Roman Empire.
 Our Bible Reading today is about the day the church started in Jerusalem. Peter preached to a large group of people. “On that day about 3000 believers were added to the group of believers” (verse 41b).
 For the next few days we will look at some of the cities where Jesus’ followers traveled, and we will learn how God’s church grew and spread around the world. —JK
“The believers praised God and were respected by all the people. More and more people were being saved every day, and the Lord was adding them to their group.” Acts 2:47
PRAYER: Thank You, God, for Your church and for Your Son, Jesus. In His name. Amen.

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