彼得 (5)

on 2014年5月5日 星期一
彼得 (5)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳4:23-31 現代中譯本|合和本

彼得 (5)  你也許還記得在昨天的靈修內容中,彼得和約翰發生了什麼事。他們被捉拿並被審問。
「所以,你們要互相認罪,彼此代禱,使你們得醫治。義人的禱告有很大的功效。」 雅各書5:16
禱告:上帝,我相信祢是真實的,祢是我所盼望、我所信靠的! 奉耶穌的名,阿們!

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Peter (5)
Bible Reading: Acts 4: 23-31
Monday, May 5, 2014

Peter (5)  You might remember from yesterday’s devotion what happened to Peter and John. They were arrested and questioned.
 In today’s Bible Reading, we see that the Jewish leaders let Peter and John go free. Peter and John went to their own group of believers. What did they do when they were all together? They spent time in prayer. Acts 4:31 tells us, “After the believers prayed, the place where they were meeting shook. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they continued to speak God’s message without fear.”
 Does God want us to pray today? Yes! Does God still answer prayers today? Yes! Are prayers still powerful and effective? Yes! Take time today to pray and talk with God. And when you are with other Christians, spend time in prayer. Depend on God and His power. Ask Him to give you courage to speak God’s message without fear. —CPE*
“So always tell each other the wrong things you have done. Then pray for each other. Do this so that God can heal you. Anyone who lives the way God wants can pray, and great things will happen.” James 5:16
PRAYER: God, I believe You are real. I put my hope and trust in You! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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