
on 2014年5月15日 星期四
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳9:36-42 現代中譯本|合和本

服事別人  上帝每天都賜給我們服事祂的機會,但有時候我們並沒有善用這些機會來為祂行善,然後這些機會就消失不見了,而我們就錯過了服事祂的機會。
 今天,上帝會讓你知道你可以如何幫助人,就善用你的恩賜和你所有的一切去服事別人! -NW
「所有的寡婦圍著彼得哭,又把大比大生前所縫製的內衣、外衣給他看。」 使徒行傳9:39b

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Serve Others
Bible Reading: Acts 9:36-42
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Serve Others  Every day God gives us opportunities to serve Him. But sometimes we fail to use those opportunities to do good things for Him. Then that opportunity is gone, and we have missed out on serving Him.
 Our Bible verses today tell us about Tabitha. She was a person who used her opportunities to serve God. At that time, all people made their own clothes. So Tabitha’s talent to make clothes was not unusual. But she used that talent to serve God and help needy people. And Tabitha didn’t only make clothes for people. Verse 36b tells us that she was always “giving money to those in need.”
 God gave Tabitha opportunities to help people. She did not ignore those opportunities. Instead, she blessed many people.
 God will show you ways that you can help people today. Use your talents and your possessions to serve others! —NW
“All the widows stood around him. They were crying and showing him the coats and other clothes that Tabitha had made during her time with them.” Acts 9:39b
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, help me to be like Tabitha. I want to use my life to serve others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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