使徒行傳中的城市 (2)

on 2014年5月28日 星期三
使徒行傳中的城市 (2)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳 9:1-20 現代中譯本|合和本

使徒行傳中的城市 (2)  大馬士革是距離耶路撒冷約240公里的一個城市,一些從大馬士革來的人信主成為基督徒。
 誰是你今天傳講耶穌的對象呢? —JK
「但是,掃羅的講道反而更有力量;他用堅強的論據證明耶穌是基督,使大馬士革的猶太人無法辯駁。」 使徒行傳9:22

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Cities in Acts (2)
Bible Reading: Acts 9:1-20
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Cities in Acts (2)  Damascus was a city about 150 miles from Jerusalem. Some people from Damascus became Christians.
 Saul, who was later called Paul, was a Jew. He did not believe that Jesus was God’s Son. Saul went to Damascus to arrest Christians and bring them back to Jerusalem. Our Bible Reading tells us that while Saul was traveling to Damascus, a bright light shone on him, and God spoke to him. “Saul got up from the ground and opened his eyes, but he could not see” (verse 8a).
 In Damascus there was a Christian named Ananias. Ananias went to see Saul. “Immediately, something that looked like fish scales fell off Saul’s eyes. He was able to see! Then he got up and was baptized” (verse 18). Saul became a new man. He left his old life of sin and started living for Jesus. Later Saul traveled to many places to tell others about Jesus.
 Who will you tell about Jesus today? —JK
“And Saul became more and more powerful in proving that Jesus is the Messiah. His proofs were so strong that the Jews who lived in Damascus could not argue with him.” Acts 9:22
PRAYER: Dear God, show me someone that I can tell about Jesus. In His name. Amen.

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