使徒行傳中的城市 (6)

on 2014年6月1日 星期日
使徒行傳中的城市 (6)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳20:7-12 現代中譯本|合和本

使徒行傳中的城市 (6)  在今天的經文中,我們得知保羅在特羅亞行的一個神蹟。特羅亞是位於亞洲的一個城市。
 今天就謝謝上帝賜下祂的大能! —JK
「使徒們行了許多神蹟奇事;人人都因此起了敬畏的心。」 使徒行傳2:43

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Cities in Acts (6)
Bible Reading: Acts 20:7-12
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Cities in Acts (6)  In our Bible verses today, we learn about a miracle that Paul performed in the city of Troas. Troas was a city in Asia.
 On a Sunday, Paul met together with some Christians. They ate the Lord’s Supper, and Paul preached to them. “Because he was planning to leave the next day, he continued talking until midnight” (verse 7b). There was a young man named Eutychus in the group. Eutychus was sitting in the window, and “he went to sleep and fell out of the window. He fell to the ground from the third floor. When the people went down and lifted him up, he was dead” (verse 9b).
 Paul made Eutychus alive again. “The Lord’s followers took Eutychus home alive, and they were all greatly comforted”
(verse 12). God was with Paul and gave Him the power to perform miracles. Many of the people who traveled and spread God’s Word were able to do miracles. These miracles helped the people know that God’s message was true.
 Thank God for His great power today! —JK
“Many wonders and miraculous signs were happening through the apostles, and everyone felt great respect for God.” Acts 2:43
PRAYER: God, thank You for being so powerful. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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