
on 2014年6月20日 星期五
聖經閱讀:希伯來書1:1-4 現代中譯本|合和本

我們的翻譯員  聾人經常會用到翻譯員,這樣他們才可以了解聽人在對他們說什麼。如果聾人生病去看醫生,翻譯員可以幫助他們了解醫生會如何幫助他們好起來。
 翻譯員幫助聾人了解聽人說的話,同樣的,耶穌幫助我們了解上帝。今天就感謝上帝差派耶穌,所以我們才可以跟祂共享永生。 -PD
「但是在這末後的日子,他藉著自己的兒子向我們說話。」 希伯來書1:2a

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Our Interpreter
Bible Reading: Hebrews 1:1-4
Friday, June 20, 2014

Our Interpreter  Deaf people often use interpreters so they can understand what hearing people are saying to them. If a deaf person is sick and goes to a doctor, an interpreter can help them understand how the doctor will help them get well.
 I remember when I was a young girl, a stranger came to our house. It was a man who was deaf and unable to speak. My mother knew a little sign language, so she helped the man and my father communicate.
 Our Bible Reading tells us that God used many ways to communicate with people in the world. Then God sent Jesus to live on earth. Jesus helped people understand God’s message of love and hope. “The Son shows the glory of God. He is a perfect copy of God’s nature, and he holds everything together by his powerful command” (verse 3a).
 An interpreter helps a deaf person understand a hearing person. In the same way, Jesus helps us understand about God. Thank God today for sending Jesus so we can live with Him forever. —PD
“And now in these last days, God has spoken to us again through his Son.” Hebrews 1:2a
PRAYER: God, thank You for Jesus who shows us Your message of salvation. In His name. Amen.

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