
on 2013年7月7日 星期日
聖經閱讀:詩篇78:1-8 現代中譯本|合和本

真實的故事  我的三個孩子總是喜歡在睡覺前要我讀故事書給他們聽。我讀給他們的故事中,有些是真實發生的,但有時候是杜撰的。
「上主啊,我要記住你偉大的作為;我要回憶你往日所成就的奇事。」 詩篇77:11

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True Stories
Bible Reading: Psalm 78:1-8
Sunday, July 7 2013

True Stories  My three children always loved to have me read them stories before bedtime. Some of the stories I read to them were about things that really happened. But sometimes the stories were made up.
 Verses 1 and 2 of our Bible Reading say, “My people, listen to my teachings. Listen to what I say. I will tell you a story. I will tell you about things from the past that are hard to understand.” The stories that we read in the Bible are all true. Some of the things that happened were very strange — people being raised from the dead, the dividing of a large sea, a small lunch feeding 5000 people — but they are all true.
 God did these amazing and strange things so that we can know that He is powerful and wise. When we see God’s power, we can know that His promises about salvation and eternal life are true.
 As you read the Bible, remember that it is true. And remember that it all happened because God loves you so much! —SP*
“Lord, I remember what you have done. I remember the amazing things you did long ago.” Psalm 77:11
PRAYER: God, I want to share Your true story with someone today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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