
on 2013年7月10日 星期三
聖經閱讀:馬可福音16:14-20 現代中譯本|合和本

耶穌的命令  在祂三年的事工期間,耶穌教導並輔導一小群人。今天的聖經閱讀告訴我們,當耶穌準備好要離開世上的那個時間。
 耶穌給了祂的門徒最後一個重要的命令,祂說:「你們要到世界各地去,向全人類傳福音。信而接受洗禮的,必然得救;不信的,要被定罪。」(第15b-16節) 耶穌說完這些話後,祂就被接到天上去了。
 你是否遵從耶穌的命令?今天,就求祂幫助你找到一個需要認識祂的愛和救恩的人。 —NW
「門徒出去,到處傳福音;主與他們同工」 馬可福音16:20a

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Jesus’ Command
Bible Reading: Mark 16:14-20
Wednesday, July 10 2013

Jesus’ Command  During His three years of ministry, Jesus taught and counseled a small group of men. Our Bible verses today tell us that the time had come when Jesus was ready to leave the earth.
 Jesus gave His disciples one last important command. He said, “Go everywhere in the world. Tell the Good News to everyone. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved. But those who do not believe will be judged guilty” (verses 15b-16). After Jesus said these words, He was carried up into heaven.
 Jesus wanted His followers to share the news about salvation with other people so they could become Christians. Then these new Christians were to share with even more people. Jesus’ command is for us today, too. We need to be talking about Jesus with our family members, friends and coworkers.
 Are you obeying Jesus’ command? Ask Him to help you find someone today that needs to know about His love and salvation. —NW
“The followers went everywhere in the world telling people the Good News, and the Lord helped them.” Mark 16:20a
PRAYER: Dear God, I want to show other people the way to salvation through Jesus. In His name. Amen.

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