
on 2013年7月22日 星期一
聖經閱讀:彼得前書2:21-25 現代中譯本|合和本

錯誤的方向  我是一個小教會的成員。在上次的聖誕節表演中,有些年紀較小的孩子被打扮成羊群,一個大人則扮演牧羊人,背著一隻由一歲大孩子所扮演的小羊。其中一隻羊是兩歲大的布雷特,他是一隻好羊,但在表演時,這隻羊有好幾次走錯了方向、離開舞台跑到觀眾群裡。
 耶穌就是我們的牧人和監護者,祂要我們做正確的選擇。然而有時,我們走錯了方向,耶穌總是看護著我們並希望我們請求祂的原諒。今天,你要確定走在正確的方向上,就讓耶穌引導你、保護你。 —NM
「我們都像一群迷失的羊,各走自己的路。但我們一切的過犯,上主都使他替我們承當。」 以賽亞書53:6

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The Wrong Way
Bible Reading: 1 Peter 2:21-25
Monday, July 22 2013

The Wrong Way  I am a member of a small congregation. At our last Christmas program, some of the smaller children were dressed as lambs. An adult, dressed as a shepherd, carried a one-year-old child dressed as a lamb. Another lamb was two-year-old Brett. He was a good lamb, but several times during the program this little lamb went the wrong way and wandered out into the audience.
 Brett reminds me of some Christians today. Just as Brett went the wrong way, these Christians wander away from God and out into the world full of sin. In verse 25 of our Bible Reading today, Peter says, “You were like sheep that went the wrong way. But now you have come back to the Shepherd and Protector of your lives.”
 Jesus is our Shepherd and Protector. He wants us to make the right choices. But sometimes we go the wrong way. Jesus is always watching us and wants us to ask Him for forgiveness. Be sure that you are going the right way today. Let Jesus lead and protect you. —NM
“We had all wandered away like sheep. We had gone our own way. And yet the Lord put all our guilt on him.” Isaiah 53:6
PRAYER: Dear Father, please forgive me and help me focus on You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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