
on 2013年4月1日 星期一
聖經閱讀:希伯來書11:7-19 現代中譯本|合和本

相信  我想要更認識上帝和聖經,也想要知道如何服事上帝,所以我決定搬到愛荷華州並參與國際聖經訓練中心 (簡稱IBTC) 的聽障事工訓練課程。但是我有一個問題,就是我沒有足夠的搬家經費,也沒有足夠的錢來支付生活開銷、學費、和文具用品。
 或許,今天你也需要信靠上帝來幫助你解決問題,或者指示你祂希望你做的事。你要相信上帝──祂永遠不會讓你失望! —DB*
「那麼,信心是甚麼呢?信心是對所盼望的事有把握,對不能看見的事能肯定。」 希伯來書11:1
禱告:天父,謝謝祢 照顧我並且賜給我每一天所需要的東西。奉耶穌的名,阿們!

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Having Faith
Bible Reading: Hebrews 11:7-19
Monday, April 1, 2013

Having Faith  I wanted to learn more about God and the Bible and how I could serve Him. So I decided to move to Iowa and be a part of the Deaf Missions International Bible Training Center (IBTC). But I had a problem — I didn’t have enough money to move or pay my living expenses as well as tuition and school supplies.
 Our Bible verses today tell us about men like Abraham and Noah who had great faith in God. They believed in God, and He blessed them. I read these verses and decided that I would depend on God to help me become part of the IBTC program.
 God showed me that He is in control of my life. I trusted Him, and soon I was able to move to Iowa and enter the training program. I continue to depend on God to help me every day with my finances.
 Maybe you need to trust God today to help you with a problem or show you what He wants you to do. Have faith in God — He will never let you down! —DB*
“Faith is what makes real the things we hope for. It is proof of what we cannot see.” Hebrews 11:1
PRAYER: Father, thank You for taking care of me and giving me what I need each day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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