信心名人堂 (8)

on 2013年4月13日 星期六
信心名人堂 (8)
聖經閱讀:撒母耳記上17:12-51 現代中譯本|合和本

信心名人堂 (8)  希伯來書第11章32節也提到了大衛。大衛後來成為以色列的王,但在這之前,他只是一個幫父親照顧羊群的牧童。
「他伸手從袋子裏拿出一塊石子,用投石器向歌利亞甩去。石子打中歌利亞的前額,打破了他的頭蓋,歌利亞就臉朝地倒了下去。這樣,大衛沒動刀,只用一個投石器,一塊石子就把歌利亞打敗了。」 撒母耳記上17:49-50a

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Faith Hall of Fame (8)
Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 17:12-51
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Faith Hall of Fame (8)  Verse 32 of Hebrews 11 also mentions David. David became king of Israel, but before that, he was a shepherd who took care of his father’s sheep.
 Our Bible Reading today tells us a story that we all love to read — the story about David and Goliath. David challenged the giant Goliath and won. How did he do this? Was David a big, strong man? No, David was just a boy. Did David use special weapons? No, he only used a sling.
 David was able to defeat Goliath because he had faith in God. David believed that God would help him do something that seemed impossible. Verse 37 of our Bible Reading says, “The Lord saved me from the lion and the bear. He will also save me from this Philistine.”
 Maybe God has given you a job to do, but you think that it is impossible. Trust Him to help you and give you strength and wisdom. —JK
“The stone flew from the sling and hit Goliath right between the eyes. The stone sank deep into his head, and Goliath fell to the ground — face down. So David defeated the Philistine with only a sling and one stone! He hit the Philistine and killed him.” 1 Samuel 17:49b-50a
PRAYER: God, I want to always trust You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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