
on 2016年2月11日 星期四
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳24:22-27 現代中譯本|合和本

也許你知道自己必須信上帝,請不要等待──今天就將你的一生獻給祂。或許你知道自己必須花時間服事上帝,請不要等待──現在就開始服事祂吧! —AT

「聽啊,現在就是接納上帝恩惠的時刻!今天就是上帝拯救的日子!」 哥林多後書6:2b

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Don't Wait
Bible Reading: Acts 24:22-27
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Many people use their time wisely. They set aside time for Bible study, going to church or helping others.
But some people do not use their time wisely. Instead, they delay making a decision to follow God or delay using their time to serve Him. In our Bible Reading today Paul spoke to the Roman governor, Felix. Paul told Felix about Jesus. “But Felix became afraid when Paul spoke about things like doing right, self-control, and the judgment that will come in the future” (verse 25a).
These verses seem to indicate that Felix knew that he should change his life and follow God. But he was afraid. So he told Paul, “Go away now. When I have more time, I will call for you” (verse 25b). The Bible does not tell us if Felix ever decided to follow God.
Maybe you know that you need to follow God. Don't wait — give your life to Him today. Or maybe you know that you need to use your time to serve God. Don't wait — start serving Him right now! —AT

“I tell you that the ‘right time' is now. The ‘day of salvation' is now.” 2 Corinthians 6:2b
PRAYER: Lord, I want to use my time wisely. Help me to follow You and serve You today. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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