宣教士 (3)

on 2016年2月25日 星期四
宣教士 (3)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳9:32-43 現代中譯本|合和本

彼得行了神蹟,但是他傳講的信息跟我們的是一樣的──因為耶穌的死和復活,才使我們的罪得赦免。今天就去向人傳講這個美好的消息! —JK

「所有住在呂大和沙崙的人都看見了他,他們就都歸信了主。」 使徒行傳9:35

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Missionaries (3)
Bible Reading: Acts 9:32-43
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Peter was a missionary, too. Our Bible Reading tells us that he traveled to the cities of Lydda and Joppa. Peter told people about Jesus.
While Peter was in Lydda, he met a man who was paralyzed. His name was Aeneas. Verse 33b tells us that Aeneas “had not been able to get out of bed for the past eight years.” Peter healed Aeneas, and he was able to walk again. This was something that could only happen with God's power. Because of this miracle, many people believed in Jesus.
Our Bible verses also tell us about Tabitha. She was a woman who did kind things for other people. But Tabitha became sick and died. Peter made Tabitha alive again. “People everywhere in Joppa learned about this, and many believed in the Lord” (verse 42).
Peter did miracles, but his message was the same as our message — that Jesus died and rose again so we can have our sins forgiven. Tell someone this wonderful news today! —JK

“All the people living in Lydda and on the plain of Sharon saw him, and they decided to follow the Lord.” Acts 9:35
PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, show me people that I can tell about Jesus today. In His name. Amen.

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