馬可福音的教導 (3)

on 2016年2月15日 星期一
馬可福音的教導 (3)
聖經閱讀:馬可福音6:7-13 現代中譯本|合和本


我希望你願意放棄一切——甚至是你自己的生活——這樣你就能跟隨耶穌。今天就仔細檢視自己的生活,找出你生命中有罪的地方,然後求上帝赦免你並幫助你改變。 —SH*

「耶穌到加利利去,宣講上帝的福音。他說:『時機成熟了,上帝的國快實現了!你們要悔改,信從福音。』」 馬可福音1:15
禱告:天父,祢改變我、預備我進入祢國度的方式,讓我感到興奮。 奉耶穌的名,阿們!

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Lessons from Mark (3)
Bible Reading: Mark 6:7-13
Monday, February 15, 2016

 I watched a TV show where people had to live off the land. They had to make their own shelter and hunt for their food. The people involved in this adventure made many changes in their lives. They had to give up some personal comforts in order to survive.
Verse 12 of our Bible Reading tells us that the twelve apostles talked about Jesus. Then they told the people that they should “change their hearts and lives.”

When we follow Jesus and change our lives, we need to give up the comforts of sin. Then we will be living for Jesus and ready to live forever with God.
I hope you are willing to give up everything — even your own life — so you can follow Jesus. Look closely at your life today. Find areas of sin in your life and ask God to forgive you and help you change. —SH*

“...Jesus went into Galilee and told people the Good News from God. He said, ‘The right time is now here. God’s kingdom is very near. Change your hearts and lives, and believe the Good News!’” Mark 1:15
PRAYER: Father, I am excited about the ways You are changing me and preparing me for Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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