
on 2015年6月4日 星期四
聖經閱讀:雅各書4:1-10 現代中譯本|合和本

想要更多  我的雙胞胎女兒在院子的一小塊裸地上玩,她們用樹枝在泥土上畫畫,但不久之後,其中一人就在圖畫的中間畫了一條粗粗的線來區分哪一塊地是她的。接下來的十分鐘,她們爭吵哪一塊地是屬於誰的,她們不再有樂趣,因為兩個人都想要得到更多。
 今天就花點時間享受上帝賜給你的美好事物! —BL
「然而,上帝所賜的恩典更為豐富,正如聖經所說:『上帝敵對驕傲的人,賜恩典給謙卑的人。』」 雅各書4:6

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Wanting More
Bible Reading: James 4:1-10
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Wanting More  My twin daughters were playing on a patch of bare ground in our yard. They used sticks and drew pictures in the dirt. But soon one of them drew a big line between the pictures to show which area was hers. For the next ten minutes they argued about which area was whose. They stopped having fun because they each wanted more.
 Often we are like my girls. We forget what we already have and want more. Adam and Eve were thrown out of the beautiful garden because they wanted one more thing that they did not have. The Israelites rejected God’s leading and wanted to have a king. That soon led to their downfall as a nation.
 In our Bible Reading, James says in verses 1 and 2, “Do you know where your fights and arguments come from? They come from the selfish desires that make war inside you. You want things, but you don’t get them...So you argue and fight.”
 Take time today to enjoy the wonderful things that God has given you! —BL
“But the kindness God shows is greater. As the Scripture says, ‘God is against the proud, but he is kind to the humble.’” James 4:6
PRAYER: Dear God, I am so thankful for all You have given to me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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