
on 2015年6月20日 星期六
聖經閱讀:路加福音10:25-37 現代中譯本|合和本

幫助別人  在今天閱讀的經文中,耶穌說了一個關於一個猶太人的故事,祂說這個人在旅行時,強盜搶了他的衣服,「把他打個半死,丟在那裡」(第30b節)。
 今天就找機會向人施展上帝的愛。 —AN
「要愛鄰人,像愛自己一樣。」 路加福音10:27b

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Help Others
Bible Reading: Luke 10:25-37
Saturday, June 20, 2015

Help Others  In our Bible verses today, Jesus told a story about a Jewish man. While this man was traveling, robbers took his clothes, beat him and “left him lying there on the ground almost dead” (verse 30b).
 A Jewish priest saw the man, but he did not stop to help him. Then a Jewish Levite walked by. “He saw the hurt man, but he went around him...He just walked away” (verse 32b).
 Then a man from Samaria saw the Jewish man who was hurt. Jews and Samaritans did not associate with each other, but this man stopped and helped the Jewish man. The Samaritan took care of the man's wounds and took him to an inn where he could rest and recover.
 In verse 37, Jesus tells us that we should be like the Samaritan man. He was the only person who stopped and helped someone who was in need. The Samaritan showed love and compassion to someone who was considered his enemy.
 Look for opportunities today to show God's love to others. —AN
“Love your neighbor the same as you love yourself.” Luke 10:27b
PRAYER: God, I want to be loving and kind to other people. Show me how I can help someone today. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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