
on 2015年6月15日 星期一
聖經閱讀:箴言3:1-8 現代中譯本|合和本

智慧  上帝告訴所羅門王,說他可以擁有任何他想要的東西。所羅門祈求智慧,然而上帝卻同時賜給祂榮華和富貴:「……我要賜給你一顆聰明和明辨的心……你一生享有的榮華富貴要比任何君王更多」(列王紀上3:12b-13a)。
 也許你正經歷苦難,或許你不還不確定上帝希望你做什麼事,就倚靠上帝來帶領你,祂愛你並希望你跟祂有一個親密的關係。 —JC
「要專心信賴上主,不可倚靠自己的聰明。無論做甚麼事,都要以上主的旨意為依歸,他就會指示你走正路。」 箴言3:5-6

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Bible Reading: Proverbs 3:1-8
Monday, June 15, 2015

Wisdom  God told King Solomon that he could have anything he wanted. Solomon asked for wisdom, and God also gave him honor and riches. “I will make you wise and intelligent...You will have riches and honor all your life” (I Kings 3:12b-13a).
 Solomon shares his wisdom with us in the book of Proverbs. Solomon wants us to have a relationship of love and faithfulness with God — just like Solomon’s father, David, had.
 Our Bible verses today remind us to trust God. “Don’t trust in your own wisdom, but fear and respect the Lord and stay away from evil” (verse 7). As Christians, our job is to trust God and let Him control our lives.
 Maybe you are going through hard times or maybe you are not sure what God wants you to do. Trust God to lead you. He loves you and wants to have a close relationship with you. —JC
“Trust the Lord completely, and don’t depend on your own knowledge. With every step you take, think about what he wants, and he will help you go the right way.” Proverbs 3:5-6
PRAYER: Dear Lord, I pray that You will give me wisdom so I can serve You better. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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