
on 2015年6月25日 星期四
聖經閱讀:提摩太前書6:6-11 現代中譯本|合和本

心滿意足  很多人對自己所擁有的並不滿意,有時候我們會認為,除非擁有更多的金錢或物質,否則我們不會感到滿足。電視上的廣告希望我們在買了他們的產品後才感到心滿意足。
 能真正滿足我們唯一的一件事就是,認識耶穌作為我們生命的主和救主,並且天天服事祂。上帝愛我們並且希望我們信靠祂來滿足自己。請從上帝的話語中尋求快樂和滿足,上帝的話語永遠不會讓你失望! -PD
「你們要先追求上帝主權的實現,遵行他的旨意,他就會把這一切都供給你們。」 馬太福音6:33

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Being Satisfied
Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 6:6-11
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Being Satisfied  Many people today are not happy with what they have. Sometimes we think we cannot be satisfied unless we have more money or things. Advertisers on TV want us to think that we will not be content until we buy their products.
 People who want to be satisfied often think that money and possessions will make them happy. When their money is gone, they still are not happy. In our Bible Reading, Paul reminds us about our lives here on earth. “When we came into the world, we brought nothing. And when we die, we can take nothing out” (verse 7). We need to pay attention to Paul’s words. When we look for satisfaction in money and things, we are wasting our time.
 The only thing that can truly satisfy us is to know Jesus as our Lord and Savior and serve Him every day. God loves us and wants us to trust Him to satisfy us. Look for happiness and satisfaction in God’s Word. It will never fail you! —PD
“What you should want most is God’s kingdom and doing what he wants you to do. Then he will give you all these other things you need.” Matthew 6:33
PRAYER: Father, forgive me and help me to be satisfied with You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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