聖經閱讀:詩篇55:16-23 現代中譯本|合和本
年輕的時候我就成為基督徒,長大成人後,我就知道我將來要嫁給基督徒,而我希望能在教會裡找到合適的對象。 於是,我開始跟教會裡的一位男士約會,我禱告求上帝帶領我們的關係。有一天,這位男士向我求婚,而我就說:「好!」。幾個星期之後,這位男士跟我說,我並不適合他,所以我們不結婚了。 我當時非常傷心,心都碎了,但是上帝知道我所不知道的事情。原來,這位男士並不是一個真有信仰的基督徒,他到教會只是為了從別人那裡得到好處;後來,我聽說這位男士因為對人做了可怕的事而進了監獄。雖然我很傷心,但是我明白上帝知道什麼是對我最好的,最後,我嫁給了一位愛上帝的人,而且到現在我們仍然維持很好的婚姻關係。 今天的經文談到要請求上帝來幫助我們,並且把我們的憂慮交給祂。這正是過去我所做的,而上帝就在我的生命中讓我得著那最好的。—SP* 「把重擔卸給上主,他一定扶持你。」 詩篇55:22a
(SSL譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
God Knows Best
Bible Reading: Psalm 55:16-23
Monday, February 4, 2013
I became a Christian when I was young. As I grew up, I knew that I wanted to marry a Christian man. I hoped to find “Mr. Right” in the church I was attending. I started dating a man in my church. I prayed that God would guide our relationship. One day the man asked me to marry him, and I said, “Yes!” A few weeks later this man told me that I was not the right person for him and that we were not getting married. I was heartbroken! But God knew something that I did not know. This man was not really a Christian. He was only in the church to take advantage of people. Later I learned that this man went to jail for the terrible things he did to people. Even though I was sad, I realized that God knew what was best for me. Eventually I married a man who loves God, and we are still married today! Our Bible verses talk about asking God to help us and giving our worries to Him. That’s what I did, and God showed me what was best in my life. —SP* “Give your worries to the Lord, and he will care for you.” Psalm 55:22a
PRAYER: Dear Lord, Your ways are always better for me. Help me to trust You. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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