
on 2013年2月3日 星期日
聖經閱讀:創世記2:1-25 現代中譯本|合和本

誰比較聰明?  有時候,人在做了偉大的事後,就會覺得自己是全宇宙最聰明的人。例如當有人蓋了摩天大樓,或者在科學上有了新發現的時候,這種事就可能發生,而這些人始終無法明白怎麼可能會有人比他們更聰明?
  我曾經教我的孩子唱一首關於上帝的歌,歌詞是:「上帝創造所有一切,大的和小的,矮的和高的。上帝創造了所有一切,是的!祂創造了他們全部。」今天,我希望你能相信這些話。 — ECW
「於是上帝照自己的形像創造了人。他造了他們,有男,有女。」 創世記1:27

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Who is Smarter?
Bible Reading: Genesis 2:1-25
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Who is Smarter?  Sometimes when people do great things, they think that they are the smartest beings in the universe. This may happen when someone builds a tall skyscraper or makes a scientific discovery. They do not understand how any being could be smarter than they are.
 Our Bible Reading today tells us how God made Adam and Eve. Verse 7 says, “Then the Lord God took dust from the ground and made a man. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nose, and the man became a living thing.” Wow! God made a man, so God must be much smarter than we are!
 When people around you say that God isn’t real or that people are smarter than God, you need to remind them that God made the universe from nothing. God is wiser and more powerful than anyone or anything.
 I taught my children a song about God. “God made everything, great and small, tiny and tall. God made everything. Yes, He made them all.” I hope you believe that today! —ECW
“So God created humans in his own image. He created them to be like himself. He created them male and female.” Genesis 1:27
PRAYER: God, thank You for Your great wisdom and power. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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