
on 2013年2月22日 星期五
聖經閱讀:傳道書3:9-13 現代中譯本|合和本

享受今天!  今天經文的作者鼓勵我們要享受生活,在第13節,他說:「我們都應該吃喝,享受辛勞的成果。這是上帝的恩賜。」如果我們想要跟從這樣的教導,下面有幾件事是你今天可以做的。
「他使我們有永恆的意識,卻不讓我們完全明白他一切的作為。所以我想,人不如時常歡樂,一生享福。」 傳道書3:11a, 12

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Enjoy Today!
Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:9-13
Friday, February 22, 2013

Enjoy Today!  The writer of our Bible verses today encourages us to enjoy life. In verse 13 he says, “God wants everyone to eat, drink, and enjoy their work.” If we want to follow this advice, here are some things you can do today.
 Enjoy your family! Take time to go for a walk, bicycle or play a game with your children. Spend some time with your spouse. Thank God for the family He has given you.
 Enjoy your job! Some people might have a problem doing this. But whether you like your job or not, you can still be thankful that you have a job. Ask God to show you coworkers who need encouragement and comfort today.
 Enjoy the world God made! Watch snowflakes as they fall to the ground. Follow an ant as he carries his load in your yard. Find interesting shapes in the clouds. Look at the night sky and think about the vastness of the universe.
 God loves you. Enjoy today! —JK
“God gave us the ability to think about his world. I learned that the best thing for people to do is to be happy and enjoy themselves as long as they live.” Ecclesiastes 3:11a, 12
PRAYER: Dear Lord, help me to enjoy the things You have given me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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