聖經閱讀:約翰一書3:1-10 現代中譯本|合和本
最近,我在我先生的一項建築工程中幫忙,我負責搬木材並把它們堆好。晚上的時候,我發現有一根刺插在我手指裡面。 這是一根很細的刺,我好不容易才把它弄出來,我想我應該已經把刺清除乾淨了。但是過了幾天,我注意到我的手指頭紅腫而且開始痛起來,我發現皮膚裡面還有一小片木屑,那時我才確實把刺清除乾淨。 今天的經文提醒我們,身為基督徒,我們不可以一再犯罪,因為「那活在基督生命裏的人都不犯罪;那繼續犯罪的人沒有見過基督,也不曾認識他」(第5節)。我們必須找出生命中的罪,然後除去它們,否則的話,這些罪就會不斷成長,以致於傷害我們和上帝的關係。 今天就檢視一下你自己的生命,你要求上帝赦免你的罪,並且幫助你為祂活出聖潔的生命。—JK 「所以,那活在基督生命裏的人都不犯罪;那繼續犯罪的人沒有見過基督,也不曾認識他。」 約翰一書3:6
(EHI譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
The Splinter
Bible Reading: 1 John 3:1-10
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Recently I was helping my husband with a building project. I carried pieces of wood and stacked them. Later that evening I noticed that I had a spinter of wood in my finger. The splinter was very small, and I had a hard time getting it out. I thought that I had removed all of the splinter. But a couple of days later, I noticed that my finger was red, and it started to hurt. I found a tiny piece of wood under my skin. That time I made sure I removed all the splinter. Our Bible Reading reminds us that as Christians, we cannot continue to sin. “You know that Christ came to take away people’s sins. There is no sin in Christ” (verse 5). We need to find the sins in our lives and remove them. If not, these sins will grow and hurt our relationship with God. Examine your life today. Ask God to forgive your sins and help you live a pure life for Him. —JK “So whoever lives in Christ does not continue to sin. If they continue to sin, they have never really understood Christ and have never known him.” 1 John 3:6
PRAYER: God, help me to see the sin in my life. Please forgive me and help me to obey You. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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