箴言 (8)

on 2016年11月9日 星期三
箴言 (8)

小時候,當爸爸開車載全家去度假時,我會拿著地圖告訴他向右轉或向左轉來找到要去的湖或是營地,爸爸信任我來指引他走到最棒的度假地點。 就好像我有地圖來指引我們到露營地點一樣,上帝對我們每一個人都有一個計劃,我們必須信靠上帝根據祂的計劃來帶領我們。今天讀的經節建議我們如何遵行上帝的計劃,這些經節談到我們跟祂的關係,以及我們跟其他人的關係。

「人可能有許多計劃,但只有上主的旨意生效。」 箴言19:21

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Proverbs (8)
Bible Reading: Proverbs 19:16-29
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

 When I was a child, I held the map as my dad drove my family to our vacation destination. I would tell him to turn right or left to find the lake or our campsite. Dad trusted me to direct him to the best place for our vacation. Just as I had a map that gave us directions to our campsite, God has a plan for each of us. We need to trust God to lead us according to His plan. Our Bible verses today give us advice on how we can follow God's plan. These verses talk about our relationship with Him and about our relationship with other people.
Proverbs 16:9 says, “People can plan what they want to do, but it is the Lord who guides their steps.” It is important for us to make decisions about our families and our jobs. But it is more important that we trust God to lead us according to His plan.
Think about your life today. Are you depending on your own knowledge? Or are you depending on God to lead and protect you? —BR

“People might make many plans, but what the Lord says is what will happen.” Proverbs 19:21
PRAYER: Dear Lord, show me Your plan for my life and help me to depend on You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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