箴言 (6)

on 2016年11月7日 星期一
箴言 (6)
聖經閱讀:箴言11:12-13 現代中譯本|合和本

要謝謝上帝賜給你好朋友,你要愛他們、尊敬他們。 —BR

「飛短流長的,難保機密;好饒舌的,不可結交。」 箴言20:19

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Proverbs (6)
Bible Reading: Proverbs 11:12-13
Monday, November 7, 2016

I have several friends that I have known for a long time. These people have been my friends for many years. But sometimes these friends make me upset. When that happens I feel like I want to say something hurtful to them.
Our Bible Reading today teaches us what to do in situations like that. Verse 12 says, “Stupid people say bad things about their neighbors. Wise people know to be quiet.” Often it is best for us to keep quiet and show love and compassion to our friends.
Verse 13 also gives us some good advice about friends. “People who tell secrets about others cannot be trusted. Those who can be trusted keep quiet.” When a friend shares a secret with us, we should be trustworthy and not tell the secret to other people.
Thank God for your good friends. Treat them with love and respect. —BR

“You cannot trust someone who would talk about things told in private. So don't be friends with someone who talks too much.” Proverbs 20:19
PRAYER: God, thank You for my good friends. I want to always love and respect them. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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