箴言 (2)

on 2016年11月3日 星期四
箴言 (2)
聖經閱讀:箴言1:8-19 現代中譯本|合和本

今天上帝會幫助你,並且為你的生命帶來益處,但是記得,上帝有時候會指正我們,就好像好的父母會指正兒女並帶領他們走正確的道路一樣。今天就留心聆聽上帝的教導,祂愛你,希望你的生命得益處。 —BR

「我們知道,上帝使萬事互相效力,叫愛上帝的人─就是他按照自己的旨意呼召的人都得益處。」 羅馬書8:28

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Proverbs (2)
Bible Reading: Proverbs 1:8-19
Wednesday, November 3, 2016

 Most parents want good things for their children. So they teach their children how to live a good life. Verse 8 of our Bible Reading for today says, “My son, listen to your father when he corrects you, and don't ignore what your mother teaches you.”
Just as parents want good things for their children, God wants good things for us. In Jeremiah 29:11 God said, “I have good plans for you. I don’t plan to hurt you. I plan to give you hope and a good future.” When we pay attention to God's Word through Bible study, we can better understand what God wants us to do. And we also learn that God is always ready to help us.
God will help you today and bring about good things in your life. But remember that sometimes God will correct us, just as a good parent corrects his children and shows them the right way. Pay attention to God’s teaching today. He loves you and wants good things for your life. —BR

“We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him. These are the people God chose, because that was his plan.” Romans 8:28
PRAYER: Father, thank You for always paying attention to me. Help me to follow Your teachings every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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