耶穌的生平 (7)

on 2016年10月19日 星期三
耶穌的生平 (7)


「接著,耶穌向那一群人說:『你們帶著刀劍棍棒出來抓我,把我當作暴徒嗎?我天天坐在聖殿裏教導人,你們並沒有下手。不過,這一切事情的發生都是要實現先知在聖經上所說的話。』」 馬太福音26:55-56a

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Jesus' Life (7)
Bible Reading: Matthew 26:47-56
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Our Bible verses today tell us that a big group of people went to arrest Jesus. Among those people was one of His disciples, Judas. When the men grabbed Jesus to arrest Him, another follower took his sword and cut off one of the servant's ears.
What did Jesus do? Did He fight back? Did He try to run away? Did Jesus prevent the men from arresting Him? Did He call angels to come and rescue Him? No! Jesus allowed the men to arrest Him. Why did Jesus do that? He knew it was God's plan for Him to be arrested. Jesus obeyed His Father's will and fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies.
Be like Jesus. Read the Bible so that you will know what God’s plan is for you. And be sure to obey His will every day of your life. —CPE*

“Then Jesus said to the crowd, ‘Why do you come to get me with swords and clubs as if I were a criminal. Every day I sat in the Temple area teaching. You did not arrest me. But all these things have happened to show the full meaning of what the prophets wrote.’” Matthew 26:55-56a
PRAYER: Dear God, help me to know Your plan and obey You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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