詩篇119 (10)

on 2016年10月30日 星期日
詩篇119 (10)

 清晨時電話鈴聲響起,原來是鎮上的獸醫打來的,他告訴我昨晚我們的狗去世了。這隻狗一直是我的親密夥伴,已經有14年之久。 掛上電話後,我回想起她開始無法走路前的模樣,我在屋子四處走動時,發現了她最愛的玩具和毯子,我拿起這些東西、坐到沙發上哭起來,我甚至連一句向上帝禱告的話都想不出來,只想到求上帝安慰我。
無論今天你遇到什麼事情,要記得上帝會與你同在,安慰你並對你施慈愛。 —BH

「我多憂多慮的時候,你安慰我,使我快樂。」 詩篇94:19

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Psalm 119 (10)
Bible Reading: Psalm 119:73-80
Sunday, October 30, 2016

 It was early in the morning when the phone rang. It was our local veterinarian. He told me that our dog had died during the night. Our dog had been my close companion for 14 years. After I hung up the phone, I thought about how our dog had looked the day before when she could not walk. As I walked around the house I found her favorite toy and blanket. I held them and sat on the couch and cried. I could not even think of the words to pray to God. All I could think of was to ask God to comfort me.
Perhaps that is how the writer of Psalm 119 felt. In verses 76、77a he said, “Now comfort me with your faithful love, as you promised. Comfort me and let me live.” God did comfort me. He helped me know that He understood how I felt. God helped me smile and think about good memories of our dog.
No matter what you face today, remember that God will be with you and show you His comfort and love. —BH

“I was very worried and upset, but you comforted me and made me happy!” Psalm 94:19
PRAYER: Lord, when I face times of trouble, I know that You will comfort me. Thank You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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