耶穌的生平 (10)

on 2016年10月22日 星期六
耶穌的生平 (10)

今天就找機會向人分享耶穌的福音,懇求聖靈幫助你、帶領你。 —BC*

「可是聖靈臨到你們的時候,你們會充滿能力,要在耶路撒冷、猶太,和撒馬利亞全境,甚至到天涯海角,為我作見證。」 使徒行傳1:8

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Jesus' Life (10)
Bible Reading: Matthew 28:16-20
Saturday, October 22, 2016

 Jesus told His eleven special followers to go to a mountain in Galilee. On that mountain, they worshiped Jesus. Our Bible verses tell us that while Jesus was talking to His followers, He gave them a special command. Jesus said, “So go and make followers of all people in the world. Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey everything that I have told you to do” (verses 19-20a).
This command is for Christians today, too. But sometimes it is hard to tell other people about Jesus. When we are scared or discouraged about sharing the Gospel with others, the Holy Spirit helps us. He is our comforter, counselor and helper in our Christian life.
Look for opportunities today to share the Good News about Jesus with someone. Ask the Holy Spirit to help and guide you. —BC*

“But the Holy Spirit will come on you and give you power. You will be my witnesses. You will tell people everywhere about me — in Jerusalem, in the rest of Judea, in Samaria, and in every part of the world.” Acts 1:8
PRAYER: Father, thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit to help me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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