
on 2016年3月28日 星期一
聖經閱讀:羅馬書8:28-30 現代中譯本|合和本

也許你生命中有一些事正困擾著你,要信靠上帝,祂會用一個好方法來解決問題,然後你會因著信靠祂而感到開心。 —DJH*

「上主啊,你把完全的平安賜給意志堅強的人,賜給信靠你的人。」 以賽亞書26:3

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Trusting God
Bible Reading: Romans 8:28-30
Monday, March 28, 2016

 My 84-year-old brother-in-law slipped and fell in the garage. He broke the large bone in his upper leg. After surgery, he needed several weeks of physical therapy. His wife was not able to take care of him at home, so he had to go to a nursing home until his leg was healed.
My brother-in-law did not want to live in a nursing home. He was very upset. But there was no one else who could take care of him, so he decided to trust God. He read the verses in our Bible Reading today. Verse 28a says, “We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him.” After reading those verses, he felt better.
After my brother-in-law had been in the nursing home for a few days, he realized that he needed to be there. He was not upset anymore. Soon he was able to stand up and then able to go home again.
Maybe there is something in your life that is upsetting you. Trust God. He will work things out in a good way. Then you will be happy that you trusted Him. —DJH*

“God, you give true peace to people who depend on you, to those who trust you.” Isaiah 26:3
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord, that I can put my trust in You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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