
on 2016年3月21日 星期一
聖經閱讀:約翰貳書3 現代中譯本|合和本


今天就想一想你的生命,不要對抗上帝,而是將你的生命交給祂,並且接受祂賜下的平安。 —JM

「上帝所賜那超越人所能理解的平安,會藉著基督耶穌,保守你們的心懷意念。」 腓立比書4:7

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Bible Reading: 2 John 3
Monday, March 21,2016

Wars are happening in the world today. Countries are fighting to prove who is right and who is wrong. People talk about finding a way to stop the wars so there will be peace.
Our Bible Reading talks about God's peace. But God’s peace does not happen when people stop fighting. God's peace happens when we give our lives to Him. All people have a war happening inside their bodies. This war is between right and wrong and between God and the devil. We have two choices: we can do what the devil wants us to do, or we can do what God wants us to do.
When people choose to follow God, they can have true peace in their lives. Why? Because they know that God will take care of them. They can have this kind of peace even if there is a war happening in their country.

Think about your life today. Don't fight against God. Instead, give Him your life and accept His wonderful gift of peace. —JM

“And because you belong to Christ Jesus, God's peace will stand guard over all your thoughts and feelings. His peace can do this far better than our human minds.” Philippians 4:7
PRAYER: God, please take control of my life and give me Your peace. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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