
on 2016年3月19日 星期六
經文閱讀:路加福音10:25-37 現代中譯本|合和本



「於是耶穌問:『依你的看法,這三個人當中,哪一個是遭遇到強盜那人的鄰人呢?』法律教師回答:『以仁慈待他的那個人。』」 路加福音10:36-37a

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Bible Reading: Luke 10:25-37
Saturday, March 19, 2016

 In our Bible Reading today, we find God's most important commands. Verse 27b tells us these commands: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ Also, ‘Love your neighbor the same as you love yourself.’” When I was a children's minister, I told the kids in my youth group that there were only two rules: Love God, and love other people. I told the children if they did these two things, we would get along fine.
Really, that is what we need to do, too. If we love God, we will live for Him and do things that please Him. And, if we love God, we will love other people, too. Sometimes that is hard. Why? Because people hurt us or do not treat us right. But Jesus said we should love them anyway.

God is love. We need to show our love to Him and to other people. —JM

“Then Jesus said, ‘Which one of these three men do you think was really a neighbor to the man that was hurt by the robbers?’ The teacher of the law answered, ‘The one who helped him.’” Luke 10:36-37a
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I want to love You better and to love other people like I love myself. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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