
on 2016年3月15日 星期二
聖經閱讀:創世記17:1-8 現代中譯本|合和本


上帝也賜給你許多的應許,你可以從聖經裡讀到它們。上帝信守祂的應許,祂要亞伯拉罕持守信心來領受祂的應許,上帝也要你持守信心來領受祂的許多美好應許。 —DK

「上帝是信實的;他呼召你們,使你們跟他的兒子─我們的主耶穌基督有了團契。」 哥林多前書1:9

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God's Promises
Bible Reading: Genesis 17:1-8
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

God promised Abraham that he and his wife, Sarah, would have a baby. But Abraham and Sarah were almost 100 years old! They thought God's promise was so funny that they laughed(Genesis 17:17 and 18:12). But God kept His promise! They had a baby boy. Abraham and Sarah named their son Isaac.
Before Isaac was born, God promised Abraham that he would have so many descendents (children, grandchildren, etc.) that to count them would be like counting the dust on the earth (Genesis 13:16). God also promised that all people on earth would be blessed because of Abraham (Genesis 18:18).

God has made many promises to you, too. You may read them in the Bible. God keeps His promises. God required Abraham to have faith in order to receive His promises. God also requires you to have faith in order to receive some of His wonderful promises. —DK

“God is faithful. He is the one who has chosen you to share life with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” Corinthians 1:9
PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for being faithful to Abraham and to me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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